Highly Sensitive Souls
It’s commonly touted in new-age spiritual circles that we are human beings becoming multi-dimensional beings, or that we are humans having a spiritual experience. If you are among the wave of Highly Sensitive Souls who have chosen to incarnate on the planet at this time (if you’re reading this you likely are), you may intuitively question this statement’s accuracy. For empathic, sensitive souls, the experience has felt like the exact inverse. Imagine trying to contain a high voltage bolt of lightening inside the human anatomy, the biology, the nervous system, of a human being. Yeah...it’s felt more like that. In this way, the experience has not been from the human side outward, but rather from the soul inside, outward.
The gathering wave of awakening on the planet now, accelerated by these Highly Sensitive Souls, is by divine design. It’s all part of a script, that’s part of a movie, that’s playing out now in order to help Mother Earth uplevel her ascension and awakening at this time. On an individual level, on the level of the soul, we chose to play the part of the highly sensitive individual in order to help Mother Earth become more sensitive to the higher vibrational energies she is accessing at this time. That’s because these souls have the capacity to sense vibrations, frequencies and spectrums and channel energies that other souls cannot. So, just as we on an individual level continue to awaken to our own divinity, so too does the Earth.
That’s why it’s more important now than ever that Highly Sensitive Souls hold a state of conscious awareness, grounded in the physical body and anchored into the earth, not floating around in the ethers (as tempting as may be).
As sensitive beings, we came here to serve a purpose. When we begin to perceive humans as the consciousness of the planet, we can begin to better understand our purpose at this time - to serve as connectors between the Earth and the energies of the stars. We are a bridge. To be an effective bridge, we must be present, grounded and strong. We must be aligned with our divine self.
What does all this actually mean for the highly sensitive person in everyday life? How can you live in a mindful state, as conscious awareness, in your human being, without letting your high voltage electric soul overwhelm you? How can you exist in this aligned spiritual state?
As a highly sensitive soul myself, I understand firsthand the challenges that can arise. We aren’t living in monasteries, cloistered away, protected from the barrage of other people’s energies, or from the Western cultural stigmas around being sensitive that have penetrated into the psyche. And we aren’t supposed to! You are meant to learn how to integrate on all levels - body, mind and soul.
You are meant to remember that you are divine, a divine creation, a reflection of the divine mind, that’s understanding itself through human experience. Remembering who you are as your divine self means getting to know yourself all over again. Not as the character you were born playing, into the family that you were born into, but as your divine self.
The divine self is the compassionate witness to thoughts, the observer of thoughts, not the one who makes thoughts, conclusions or judgments out of them. The divine self is the awareness of emotion, not the one who gets lost in the feeling of them, who falls into victimization or martyrdom, or resentment, anger, blame or shame. The divine self acts out of discernment, aligned with higher consciousness, not out of what will be gained or lost. Everything that is not the divine self is nothing more than illusion, what Buddha referred to as Maya.
In New-Age spiritual circles this has come to be called the ego. But many people on a spiritual path have been conditioned to perpetuate illusion by demonizing the ego, vilifying it, judging it and renouncing it, believing that they need to take up arms and battle it. This becomes yet another trap of the ego itself, because that which we focus our attention on grows energetically. Energy flows where attention goes. So let’s take this moment to reframe our perception of the ego so that we can allow it to achieve its’ ultimate purpose within us, which is to sort out within us what is real and what is not, so that we can discern what is for our highest good and what is not. Reframed in this way, we can further integrate our understanding of the ego as simply a vehicle for your being to perceive itself as the divine self that it is; to become consciously aware of what is illusion and what is real. And so for that, rather than battling the ego, battling the illusions, we can thank the ego, in gratitude for it showing you what it is that you still need to clear on your path to more fully integrating your divine self into your being.
You may ask that whatever needs to be cleared from your energy field that is not of your divine self, for your highest and best good, be cleared now and replaced with the frequency of the divine self. Imagine yourself as a snow globe, you are the figure in the centre, imagine the goop around it as your energy field, and the glitter floating within it as all of your thoughts and feelings. Now ask to see how much of the glitter is coming from your divine self and how much of the glitter is coming from someone or something else. You may see your divine glitter as a certain colour and the glitter that’s not as a different colour. There is no right or wrong, just continue to observe. Now ask all the glitter that’s of your divine self surround the figure that is you, and ask that it begin to stream into your heart. Breathe. Take a moment here to notice if you feel something. It’s ok if you don’t. Next, imagine all the glitter that’s not of your divine self fly up out of your snowglobe and turn into a ball above it, now take that ball into your right hand and imagine throwing it upwards, out of your energy field and up past the void, where it will be cleared, transmuted and sent back to where it came from, for the highest and best good of all involved. Breathe that in. You may do this to clear your energy throughout the day.
You may have noticed the feeling you got when you entered into your heart space. It’s not the feeling of love, or compassion, as many may think. It’s empty. It’s void. It’s the awareness of all thoughts, without holding any thoughts at all. It’s not good or bad, it just is. It’s everything but nothing all at the same time. This is called zero’ing out. Throughout the day, take a moment to put your hand over your heart and breathe, holding the thought of zeroing out and creating space within your being. Then, as awareness, as your divine self, you choose the thoughts and actions you take, out of discernment for what is of your highest and best good. It is from this space that you respond, not react. It is from this space that you can raise your vibration, access greater states of consciousness and become the creator of your life, fulfilling your highest potential, all in service of reconnecting and remembering that you are your divine self, anchoring the light for Mother Earth and your own being.
I love you.
M xo